Saturday, May 10, 2008

Facebook Group

Because Facebook wouldn't let me create an account with the name Project Bojangles, I went under my personal account and created the Project Bojangles Group.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Project Bojangles Zazzle Store

buy unique gifts at Zazzle

Artist Statement

The reason I produce art is to express the ideas and emotions I feel. To push my creativity and design skill to a different level. I feel there is a huge difference from being a designer and an artist. Being a designer means that you are able to create digital or physical pieces. Whereas, an artist has the ability to push that envelope, to not just create a piece, but give it meaning and soul. With this in mind, I feel that creating in any medium (music, painting, sculpture, 3D, etc.) is the ultimate form of expression.

MySpace Page

I set up a MySpace Page for my blog. And, I am starting to receive friends. 

Project Bojangles MySpace Page

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

post 6

kristofer fonagy said...
I'm interested in hearing some of your own music, if you want to check out my stuff just look up Bojangles Experiment on myspace. If your interested in collaborating just let me know.

post 5

kristofer fonagy said...
I'm not sure how to express my interest in your writing. Whether it is the pure randomness from line to line, or that oddly enough it seems to make sense. There is something here that I can't put my finger on, but I'm very much intrigued.

post 4

kristofer fonagy said...
Nice, nothing like some random "Candid Camera" type footage of absurdity to entertain.

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